December 2021

I am not responsible

I am not responsible The title of this article seems to reflect a clear and unequivocal objection to the claim of responsibility. The title of each article selected from this site is the same as the title of this article. I am not responsible for the current state affairs in our country as current events […]

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الجزء الخامس قصة 60 سنة

الجزء الخامس قصة 60 سنة بعد القرار ، عاد علي إلى مسقط رأسه وانتقل إلى منطقة أخرى يعيش فيها عمه. بدأ علي رحلته في صباح اليوم التالي وهو يشعر بأنه كان بطيئًا في مغادرة والدته ، لكن والدته وعدته بأن كل شيء سيكون على ما يرام بمجرد مغادرته هذه القرية. وصل بأمان إلى القرية التي

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Online Business Opportunities

Online Business Opportunities Positive business thinking is the backbone of social development. Most people make a living from the various businesses in their area. Every successful business has started from small businesses that eventually turned into high-yielding businesses. The world has moved to Online businesses with huge profits on a daily basis so if you

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Un productive education

Un productive Education The articles that regularly appear on this official site (talk with Majid) always focus on making the pen accessible and correct for any misconceptions and obvious mistakes in the world. Education is the first pillar of a human being to build on his intellect and play a major role in learning that

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Somali Passport

Somali Passport With different stages of the Somali Passport and different periods based on many events that have had a difficult impact on the growth of the Somali Passport. Returning to Somalia, Passports were used to make it easier for most people to fly freely to other parts of the world in accordance with the

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الجزء 4 من قصة 60 عاما

الجزء 4 من قصة 60 عاما بدأ الناس في فناء القرية ينظرون إلى علي بعيون غاضبة بينما تحول جزء منهم إلى علي. نادى أحد كبار السن في الحكم: \”يا جماعة ، ليس لدي وقت لأنتظر أحدًا ، فلنقرر ماذا نفعل بعلي\”. تم الاتفاق على أنه يجب إخلاء علي على الفور من القرية ، مشيرًا إلى

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Social work

Social Work Most likely you have heard of it in educational settings such as science or arts in a prepared format. Social issues also become untenable in court and there are people who have changed their roles to work for this sections. Let\’s take a closer look at this topic. Social issues were not originally

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