They are fully aware of the problem of migration in the poorest countries and consider their people to leave their homeland in search of a better life.
Yet their migration journey often ends in tragedy and destruction.
The many incidents of migration often affect young people and very young people who are trained to travel and travel where they see a better life than they have.
In Islamic migration is characterized by the fact that if a person dares to risk his life he may die and the result is that they will emigrate from their land for no apparent reason and the circumstances will make the act a crime for the Muslim. He believed that he had neglected himself only to have a life that he described as better than his own and that this was due to his dissatisfaction with the destiny of the person he was destined for but trying to change his hands.
Migration is a scourge. May God make us content with the reality of our lives as they strive to change what is wrong and set an example for many of our fellow human beings who have ended up in misery and sea migration.
There are many poems and poems by poets and people who talk about the tragedy of migration.
Articles cannot be summed up in terms of migration but understanding should not be limited to a limited choice beyond the realities we live in.
This article is a cautionary tale about migration and its aftermath if you are currently in the throes of migration and replace it with a life-long desire to live with people and your country so that you can be a benefactor to your nation tomorrow instead of you. become a migrant and if safe becomes a benefactor of another nation that does not belong.
The End
Image copyright: Crosswalk.com
Article: Majid Hussein