Today and the Somali Language

Somali language


Language difference is a part of people\’s belonging.

Somali language is a unique language for the Somali people and part of the Cushitic branch.

The Somali language is spoken throughout Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti and parts of the Ethiopia and Kenya.

The Somali language script is the Latin alphabet used by the Somali people in their manuscripts. It can also be written in Arabic letters depends to the type of writing.

Somali language and other languages

This language\’s writing is very simple once a person learns how to write Somali he or she will be able to read other languages ​​with the help of rewriting Somali. For example (I am a Doctor) is an English language sentence and it is very easy to change it to the Somali language using the Latin alphabet for example (Ay am a doktar).

This will make it easier for you to learn other world languages ​​with the help of the Latin alphabet in Somali language and thus play an important role in learning any language.

The Somali language and it\’s challenges today

The average number of people who speak this language according to surveys in 2019 was (21,807,730)

But in recent times there has been speculation that the Somali language is one of the most endangered languages ​​in the world due to the slowdown in the revitalization of the language, which most of the speakers speak. other languages ​​such as Arabic and English are part of the curriculum taught in the country as well as in the workplace and in government institutions which may result in the use of the Somali language only being agreed upon and discussed.

The solution of the current Somali language

Somali language articles and books are highly regarded for their contribution to the revitalization and impact of the Somali language which will contribute to the sustainability of the Somali language.

Every language can be safe by for those who speak that language so that it does not become extinct.

So if you are a Somali who speaks this language be the one who can save this language.


  1. ^ \”Somali alphabets, pronunciation and language\”Omniglot. Retrieved 16 June 2017.
  2. ^ \”cldr/so.xml at master · unicode-org/cldr\”. Unicode. Retrieved 8 November 2020.
  3. a b c d \”Somali\”SIL International. 2021. Retrieved June 28, 2021


The End

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Article: Majid Hussein 

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