Find out more about the only country in the world that equals the size of a continent.
1. It is the 6th largest country in the world, with a population of 25.69 million while the Australian capital is Canberra.
2. Kangaroos can only be one found in Australia, and there are about 50 million Kangaroos in that country.
3. Due to climate change Australia is constantly experiencing incidents of forest fires that have severely endangered and killed many of its habitats.
4. Australia is famous for its marine and eastern marine animals.
5. It is a fact that Mount Augustus is the largest rock in the world.
6. In terms of security, it is a tourist destination and one of the safest countries in terms of visitation and environment.
7. The formation of a government is led by the new Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
✓ This is very brief information about Australia, if you need more information contact us in the message section.
The End
Photo Credit: Wikipedia
A/W: Majid Hussein
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