Summary of the book How to influence others and win others by the famous writer Dale Carnegie

Summary of the book How to influence others and win others the famous writer Dale Carnegie 

My friend this book it helps you to form deep and real relationships. Here are the most important tips from our friend Dale Carnegie.

1. Criticism
Don\’t criticize.
Don\’t scoff.
Don\’t accuse.
Don\’t complain directly.

2. Attention
Be a good listener.
Talk about other people\’s interests.
Make the person feel important and be honest.

3. People spoke with their own interests.

4. important steps in the process of communicating with others is smiling.
Call people by their names.

5. controversy
Avoid arguing.
Never tell the other person you are wrong.
Admit your mistakes.

6. How to attract others praise others sincerely.

Talk about your mistakes before criticizing others. Ask questions and do not give orders to others and give others a good reputation to reach.
Give a chance when others make mistakes.


✓  This is a summary of the most important ideas that do not replace reading the book or listen to an audio book to get more benefit.

See you on top my friend.



By: Majid Hussein 


For Arabic Version : –  

ملخص كتاب كيف تؤثر على الأخرين وتكسب الأخرين للكاتب الشهير ديل كارنيجي


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