Who neglected Africa?

         Who neglected Africa?

It is one of the world\’s second largest continents, while it is also one of the fastest growing continents in terms of population by an information released in 2018.

The continent is bordered to the north by the Mediterranean Sea, the and the Red Sea in the Northeast.

The continent has marine and terrestrial resources, both of which are rich in all kinds of living things that are suitable for living in and out of the oceans, most of which are not fully utilized.

The continent is made up of 54 recognized and independent nations.

So the point of this essay is not about Africa and how we should describe it but we have to answer the question of Who neglected Africa?

Since its inception, Africa has experienced a series of colonies and civil wars that have erupted within African countries.

Most African countries are under the control of other countries where their powers and resources are indirectly controlled.

According to international law, a person\’s birth depends on his or her place of origin and place of birth.

Africa is home to more than 1.3 billion people from 54 independent countries in Africa. If so, why this question always overcomes to us? Who has neglected Africa?

African people who claim to be of African descent are well aware that Africa is one of the last continents in terms of success continents of the world. while some countries in Africa are considered to have the lowest levels of socio-economic which always declines. International organizations are constantly working to contribute to the basic necessities of life in these countries.

Why is Africa so poor?

Shared crime can cause a crime to become so commonplace that it is never recognized as a crime.

What is happening in Africa is the same.

The primary responsibility for Africa\’s neglect lies in:

1. The people of Africa (1.3 billion): The primary responsibility lies with the people of Africa who have largely neglected the special responsibilities of their country and the continent as a whole.

This is due to the fact that most Africans have a strong desire to migrate from Africa instead of making a difference.

In Africa\’s long history, you can see many heroes, many of whom fought for freedom in African countries.

Unfortunately, after their trip, Africans lost interest in their continent.

It is also important to note that there is no greater ignorance than finding a solution to the neglect of your site.

2. The Leaders of African Countries: The second responsibility lies with the various leaders of African countries not all of them have neglected their role but the leaders of African countries, no matter how hard they try to find a solution to the situation in Africa, the first obstacle is Article 1 which we have gone through which is the people of Africa. Most do not have a sense of belonging and sympathy for the living conditions in Africa.

So what is the point of standing up for the African leadership then? It is very important to emphasize the example of people in Africa as our predecessors in Africa set a good example for the rest of the world and for Africa as a whole.

It takes a lot of time for African leaders to convince themselves first. If there are people who are satisfied with Africa and a leader who can set a good example for them, then there will be hope for a strong African reconstruction rather than a neglected African continent.

3. Foreign Countries: As it is widely known, Africa\’s various roles in Africa\’s trade, security, and economy are dominated by African countries, but much of it is largely funded and supported by foreign countries. supporting weak governments in Africa.

So what it caused? As a result, Africa has always relied on the support of its foreign allies. It eliminates the need for Africa to deplete its resources and become an isolated entity.

What could be the solution?

The solution lies primarily in enhancing the understanding that a non-partisan Africa belongs to the African people and that the primary, secondary and tertiary responsibility lies with them for the benefit of the countries in Africa. would have squandered their natural resources and real estate in Africa.

These factors could make Africa more competitive with other continents if they are implemented:

1. Fighting poverty is the number one reason why so many Africans are losing their lives in Africa and some of them are committing acts against the law.

2. Raising awareness among Africans on the protection of Africa and understanding who owns Africa.

3. Exploiting the potential of young Africans before they leave Africa and end up in migration.

4. Developing employment by developing the various skills that living beings need on a regular basis.

5. Ensuring the leadership qualities of African leaders so that one or two people do not neglect an entire country in Africa for their personal interests.

6. Legislation to be enacted specifically by the Council of the African Union (AU) which restricts Africa from handing over power to its superiors (other nations) as is the case in most African countries happen this days.

7. Ensuring that the total population of Africa has access to the standard of living that everyone in government has the right to get the basic needs (eg health, education, security).

Finally, there are African countries that are now competing with developed countries on the continents of the world which are attracting inspiration and good name to other countries in Africa.

But when we say Africa is not only one or two countries but the whole continent of developing Africa.

The implication of this information is that there is a general sense of responsibility in Africa for all Africans everywhere.

          Africa belongs to its people


The End

Writter: Majid Hussein


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