Learn about five innovations that can create JOB OPPORTUNITIES

Creativity is anything that comes to a person as a skill or knowledge. Some creativity is innate and gifted, but most creativity can be learned depending on how determined the individual is to learn something that interests him/her.

There are hundreds of creative small businesses and career opportunities that a creative person can manage in their life. In this section I will share with you five important inventions for a person to learn, which can create a job opportunity that can turn into their own small business. Among them are:

1. Handicrafts: Any type of handicrafts is the basis for you to be able to work independently in your profession and it can include (electrical nailing, plumbing, crafts – furniture and chairs) and all techniques which related to the basic techniques of human life.

2. Designer: If you are a person who is skilled using technology and knowledge of Graphic Design, I inform you that you are a person whose creativity and skills are needed in the whole world, especially in the area where you live at. Next, start using social media platforms to promote your creations and then visit businesses and companies that need your service. Again, remind that anyone can design, but it requires creativity to design different.

3. Photographer/Videographer: If you are good at photography and videography, there are many opportunities to work as a freelancer and post your photos/videos on social media platforms in order to create people who are interested in your work and support you, there is also a huge need in every social media site to take high quality photos/videos with amazing creativity.

4. Chefs: There are more and more small restaurants in the market that are being implemented even in the most used areas of the street-corners, why not join the community of cooking experts that earns hundreds of customers regularly. Which makes a daily profit and can create a restaurant business future. The next step is to find a small investment that you can start to market with tasty food that wins customer’s heart.

5. Social Media Management: Most businesses have realized that they need more customers than visitors to their business sites, so they have created social media platforms to promote their business. This step cannot be completed without someone who is skilled in the use of social media, knows the rules and regulations of media, knows how to gain different customers and create more followers for the business. If you are the right one, note that they all need you.

Finally, these five skills can closely help you to step on the journey of development and job creation, the next step is to develop it, prepare a CV that shows your knowledge/skills and get up from your seat to visit all the places that need to use your creativity to promote their business.

If you have a creativity/skill outside those ones I have mentioned above, remember that you just need to develop it and find someone who meets those needs.

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