Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain many benefits for good health and body composition.

But it is important to note that not a single fruit and vegetables can provide all the nutrients that the body needs.

Read below for a summary of the benefits of Fruits and Vegetables:

1. Fruits and vegetables contain a variety of Vitamins including (Vitamin C and Potassium).

2. It is very useful when consuming fruits and vegetables on a daily basis to strengthen the digestive tract and prevent other digestive disorders in the human body.

3. Most debilitating diseases can be prevented by fruits and vegetables as they protect the body against serious diseases such as heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer and diabetes.

4. If you eat fruits and vegetables naturally, you will be less likely to be over weight but once used for oily consumption then they may not have less fat to eat fruits and vegetables.

5. Fruits and vegetables are easy to find as the every country which has a source of income and these vegetables can be consumed by cooking or eating.

6. Eat three servings of vegetables and two fruits a day to improve your health.

✓. The health, nutritional and vitamin benefits of fruits and vegetables depend on how much one can get and how much he/she consumes daily

Eat fruits and vegetables daily


The End

Copyright: Harvard University 

Article: Majid Hussein

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