Part one: The 60-years old
Haji Ali is a very old man and this story will be told from his long experience.
Haji Ali spent his time in a variety of situations, both difficult and rewarding. The aim is for the reader to benefit from this story based on many years of experience and then move on to different aspects of his or her life.
Haji Ali, now 80 years old, was born in a state of conflict and prolonged drought and struggles.
When Ali was old enough he used to ride with the Goat (sheep) that his uncle Musa owned it while Ali was so honest with a good personality when comparing to others.
In later years Ali grew up in a conflict in his village that was intensifying.
Hundreds of camels were looted from Ali\’s clan and many young people were killed.
All the leaders of their clan came together and decided to attack the invaders and a youth mobilization was launched to fight for the return of the looted camels and to avenge the slain youths. .
This was entrusted to Ali\’s uncle Muse, one of the village leaders. Muse went straight to start recruiting young people to take part in the war against another village and was successful.
Until the early hours of the morning he went through the house of Ali to include the youths who were part of the conflict.
Ali, who was having breakfast with his mother and was preparing to take care of the animals he was in charge of, saw his uncle apparently approaching their house at the most of the times Ali\’s uncle was not coming to their homes and Ali immediately guessed that something went wrong.
He said, \”Ali, get ready. Tomorrow we are going to attack the village of Jamax, which recently attacked us and killed many young people.\” You are among the youth who will defend our village of Shareero this year. ”
Ali was shocked by his uncle Muse\’s words. And started looking down at his mother Suleqa, he tried to figure out what to say. Muse\’s uncle repeated, \”Get ready for tomorrow.\” \”No, uncle, tomorrow…\” He collapsed in shock.
Moses\’ uncle replied, \”What do you say?\” Ali said suddenly….