Schedule for the Holy Month of Ramadan

Holly Month of Ramadan

One of the pillars of Islam is that a Muslim is obliged to fast during the holy month of Ramadan unless there is a religious excuse.

Every year there is a great deal of preparation for the holy month of Ramadan which, if Allah wills, will benefit the Muslims greatly.

We are approaching the Holy Month of Ramadan and if you are one of the people who are approaching this month it is a good idea to set a schedule for the Holy Month of Ramadan.

This schedule will make it easier for you to make the most of the blessings of this month, God willing, follow these steps to build your monthly schedule for the holy month of Ramadan.

Schedule for the Holy Month of  Ramadan 

If the Holy Month of Ramadan is just around the corner these days, follow this schedule and make sure to follow these instructions during our visit to the Holy Month of Ramadan:

1. Recitation of the Qur\’an: Most people like to take advantage of the blessings of the holy month of Ramadan with the first recitation of the Holy Quran but if there is no daily schedule one may not be able to did not achieve his goal.

\”If you memorize the Qur\’an, recite it at least twice a day and divide it into prayers if you cannot recite it all at once.\”

\”If you do not memorize the Qur\’an you can recite at least one Juz and divide it during prayers if you cannot recite it all at once.\”

✓ In this way you can complete the Holy Quran in 15 to 30 days during the holy month of Ramadan.

2. Giving Alms: While there are various activities to take advantage of during the month of Ramadan, giving alms is one of the major rewards that can be obtained by pleasing Allah and supplementing the suffering people.

\”If you do not afford it, try to give as much as you can and think it is a charity for the sake of Allah.\”

\”You can also make the people who are able to give the alms to those who are in need so that God may reward you there.\”

✓ Giving alms should be in your mind and heart so that Allah will facilitate its giving.

3. Prayers: In addition to the five obligatory prayers, it is very important this month to increase the number of sunnah prayers and to get up at night for prayers that increase the morale of the Muslim.

Finally, recitation of the Qur\’an, almsgiving and prayer are the most common benefits of the holy month of Ramadan. they raise the weight of irritability.

Readers, try your time to follow these schedule guidelines and I hope God will help us all.

Ramadan Kareem 


The End

Copyright: India Tv

Article: Majid Hussein



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