Social work

Social Work

Most likely you have heard of it in educational settings such as science or arts in a prepared format.

Social issues also become untenable in court and there are people who have changed their roles to work for this sections. Let\’s take a closer look at this topic.

Social issues were not originally prepared to go to university to study but with the rise of social changes in society it was necessary to promote the growth and understanding of social issues as we have pointed out social issues were one-time part of every society that existed throughout whole the past years.

Role of Social Work

Beyond the brief introduction above, it has always been common knowledge that every nation in the world needs to address social issues. The services and role of the community were therefore questioned before the community was addressed are include:

1. Community service: Social issues only apply to the provision of various social services to the people in the course of their activities, generally including (education, health, security, trade, etc.)

2. The pursuit of justice: The common denominator is that every nation has its own grievances about the current justice system in their areas of residence so it is up to the social workers to resolve their grievances with the justice system themselves. .

3. Personal dignity and the existence of humanity: There are people who constantly confuse other people by suspecting and discriminating on religious, cultural, racial, tribal and personal issues. Equality in the dignity of the individual and the existence of the Humanity can play an important role here.

Social issues are among the solutions sought to fill the gaps and public needs that the community is longing for.

Across the globe there are many social workers who have made a huge difference at this sector

Ultimately it is up to you to play a major role in the completion of social affairs not only in terms of cultural, religious, personal and other factors but also in terms of flexibility and compassion throughout the world. can be done away with oppression, injustice, and anything that could undermine social issues wellness.



Written: Majid Hussein



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