Your daily life depends on the shape of your morning start!
In this world we live in, the first thing that happens is the early hours of the morning.
In the morning, the people are divided into two groups, one waking up early in the morning to work and the other waking up in the morning when they wake up feeling very bad about waking up early.
If you look at the worse part of them waking up early and wanting to end up sleeping you can see that they are the ones who have convinced themselves that the real taste of life has to be put to sleep.
Others are those who choose to get out of bed and pursue their daily interests.
At this point, the question is, who is responsible for these two different souls?
Both are responsible for the person whom Allah (swt) has entrusted with the responsibility of his own life but who feels that his current state of limited comfort is a lasting pleasure.
No one is able to wake you up in the morning and activate you.
No one is able to direct you towards the good and the good of yourself. Everyone is capable of reprimanding you, correcting you, telling you things, forcing you.
But ultimately the responsibility to get you out of bed early in the morning is yours alone.
You can be the one who, if God wills, praises that grace and progresses in fulfilling its daily duties.
Most people accompany their bed with the excuse that there is no reason to get out of bed.
Waking up early in the morning is not just a matter of going to school or work, it is a practice that one needs to cultivate one’s spirit so that it can be used throughout one\’s daily life. So that later the chances of a later life would not pass him by he preferred to lie down and wake up.
The benefits of waking up early in the morning
1. Open body to be ready for tasks.
2. Mindfulness takes time and time to set your daily routine.
3. Full health if a person wakes up early and then takes a few exercises to open up his body and mind.
4. A person who is out of depression and ready to deal with problems within.
5. The soul is accustomed to not neglecting its sleep time which will no longer be neglected.
✓ Adjusting yourself can help everyone but turning it into action is up to you. So start early in the morning and take advantage of this God-given opportunity.
The End
Copyright: DepositPhotos
Article: Majid Hussein